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The introductory chapter positions the present volume vis-à-vis the state of the art in the scholarship on nineteenth-century Ottoman and Balkan history and establishes the methodological and conceptual premises, as well as the scope and scale of the book. The literature review identifies broad trends of historiographical development on the topic of modernization and its driving forces in Ottoman and post-Ottoman context. The second part of the Introduction gives a short overview over the book’s structure, aims and rationale. The volume offers a new perspective towards the transformation of Southeast Europe through the lens of persons and personalities as agents of modernization. The book chapters address topics as diverse as political and institutional development, social and cultural transformations, economic changes, and technological innovations in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman Balkans. By doing so, the collection approaches the advent of modernity in Southeast Europe from various and even contrast standpoints, highlighting the multiplicity of actors as well as the entanglement and interconnectedness of topics, arenas and scales of the modernization process.
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