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The study examines the role of the Czech scholar Konstantin Jireček in the establishment of a modern educational system and overall social change in Bulgaria in the first years after the creation of the modern state in 1878. It looks at various aspects of his quite active involvement in state building as minister of education and in other positions during his stay in the country, namely between 1879 and 1884, which is also a formative and decisive period for modern Bulgaria. The study also elaborates on his personal motivation and on his underlying world view. The analysis is mainly based on Jireček’s posthumously published work Bulgarian Diary, which is an excellent primary source that provides not only his personal experiences but also a quite comprehensive picture of Bulgarian society and the undergoing processes of rapid change in the late nineteenth century.
НА – БАН – Научен архив на Българската академия на науките [Scientific Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences], Bulgaria
Фонд [Fond] 3К Константин Иречек [Konstantin Jireček]
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