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The present chapter aims to analyse the healthcare of the Bulgarians in Ottoman Salonica in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Relying mainly on archival sources, it focuses on the healthcare for students in the Bulgarian schools in the city, the role of doctors in improving the living conditions and hygiene habits of the population, as well as on the fight against the spread of epidemic diseases. The first Bulgarian physicians appeared in the city at the end of the nineteenth century and brought about new ideas, practices, medicines, and machines, but they were faced with the poverty, poor healthcare culture, and prejudices of the traditional Bulgarian society. They were supported in their activities by the heads of the Bulgarian educational institutions, who were involved in the provision of consistent care for the hygiene and sanitation of their students. Indeed, the enlightened activists, along with the physicians, were the core agents of modernity in the Bulgarian community in Salonica. Their combined efforts rescued lives, but they could not substitute a targeted state healthcare policy.
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