Chapter 2 Mausoleos imperiales de mujeres cristianas en el Occidente Mausoleos imperiales de mujeres cristianas en el Occidente tardorromano: Arqueología y poder postmortem

In: Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales
Jordina Sales-Carbonell
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In this article, the available data on burial places in the West of Christian women from the Roman Imperial family are systematised and analysed. The final result, although drawing an apparently very fragmentary panorama, allows a glimpse of the post-mortem power that these women acquired, who could even be buried in magnificent individual mausoleums that not only further highlighted their relevance as imperial characters, but they also did it as Christian characters, generating new buildings of Christian worship in these same burial places.

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Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales

Representaciones públicas y representaciones del poder en la Antigüedad tardía y Bizancio

Series:  Contexts of Ancient and Medieval Anthropology, Volume: 2


All Time Past 365 days Past 30 Days
Abstract Views 508 103 9
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