Chapter 3 La representación literaria de la emperatriz Elia Flavia Flaccila en el βασιλικὸς λόγος de Gregorio de Nisa

In: Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales
Mattia C. Chiriatti
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The epitaph for the Hispanic empress Aelia Flavia Flaccilla, forged from the rhetorical canons of Menander of Laodicea’s imperial discourse in his Περὶ ἐπιδεικτικῶν, is the result of the merger of a well-typified sophistical literary model together with a new discourse which aims to represent to a Christian empress and becoming, therefore, the first example of a Christian βασιλικὸς λόγος.

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Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales

Representaciones públicas y representaciones del poder en la Antigüedad tardía y Bizancio

Series:  Contexts of Ancient and Medieval Anthropology, Volume: 2


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