Chapter 8 Teodora entre papas: de Agapito a Vigilio. El delicado equilibrio entre monofisismo y poder

In: Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales
Juan Antonio Bueno Delgado
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One of Justinian’s main objectives was religious unity. To do this, settled in the position his Authority gave him, he made many attempts at unification, especially to attract the Monophysite doctrine to the Chalcedonian orthodoxy. Undoubtedly, the influence of the Empress Theodora played an important role in this task, who had a desire to place prominent Monophysite members in the main instances of ecclesiastical power.

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Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales

Representaciones públicas y representaciones del poder en la Antigüedad tardía y Bizancio

Series:  Contexts of Ancient and Medieval Anthropology, Volume: 2


All Time Past 365 days Past 30 Days
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