Chapter 11 The councils of Toledo and the Visigothic Queens, Liuwigotho and Cixilo: Some (Historical) Remarks

In: Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales
Oriol Dinarès Cabrerizo
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Queens Liuwigotho and Cixilo, two of the last known Visigothic queens, are analysed in a case study to stress the problems of their historical contextualisation and the historiographical debate around their significance, as queens and as female characters in a time where few sources are available.

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Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales

Representaciones públicas y representaciones del poder en la Antigüedad tardía y Bizancio

Series:  Contexts of Ancient and Medieval Anthropology, Volume: 2


All Time Past 365 days Past 30 Days
Abstract Views 371 164 17
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