Interreligiöser Dialog aus sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht

Interreligious Dialogue from a Social and Cultural Science Perspective

In: Interreligiöser Dialog
Karsten Lehmann
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Current research on inter-religious dialogue activities can be reconstructed with reference to two poles of research: (a) the work of IRD activists and (b) the work of cultural and social scientists. Using the development of international dialogue organisations as an example, this paper aims to elaborate the specifics of the second research pole and to outline its potential contribution to understanding or explaining dialogue activities. On the one hand, it will be argued that such an approach is characterised by specific research questions and methods. On the other hand, it will be shown what consequences a social or cultural science approach to IRD has for the contouring of the research field.

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Interreligiöser Dialog

Wissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Begegnung der abrahamitischen Religionen

Series:  Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society, Volume: 23


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Abstract Views 124 81 14
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