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Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg (BArch) RH 12–24 Veterinärinspektion des Heeres/ 4, 7, 10
RH 20: Armeeoberkommando RH 20–1 (First Army) / 282 RH 20–2 (Second Army) / 1474, 1494, 1523, 1586 RH 20–4 (Fourth Army) / 1007 RH 20–6 (Sixth Army) / 788, 796, 898, 899 RH 20–7 (Seventh Army) / 322 RH 20–9 (Ninth Army) / 384, 443, 444 RH 20–18 (Eighteenth Army) / 1469
RH 21: Panzer-Armeeoberkommando RH 21–4 (Fourth Panzer Army) / 445
RH 24: Armeekorps RH 24–2 (II. Army Corps) / 457 RH 24–5 (V. Army Corps) / 235 RH 24–20 (XX. Army Corps) / 111
RH 26: Infanteriedivisionen RH 26–21 (21st Infantry Division) / 137b RH 26–23 (23rd Infantry Division) / 76 RH 26–45 (45th Infantry Division) / 141, 143 RH 26–46 (46th Infantry Division) / 91 RH 26–98 (98th Infantry Division) / 144 RH 26–137 (137th Infantry Division) / 102
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