Vulgares libri. Der kritische Diskurs um die Popularisierung des Romans im 16. Jahrhundert

In: Das Populäre der Anderen
Yashar Mohagheghi
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This article aims to discuss the literary-sociological reasons for the emergence of novel criticism in the 16th century. It is argued that the condemnation of the novel was due in particular to an expansion of the reading public. With the rise of a literary market, novels were no longer read by a clearly defined social or intellectual audience. Contemporary voices therefore recognised the danger of reading without social regulation. In particular, curiosity is seen as a general reading motif in place of class-specific norms. Criticism was initially levelled at scholars and clerics. In view of the lack of social differentiation in reading behaviour, however, it was also taken up by the social elites, who accused the lower classes of misguided reading competence. This opens up a new kind of distinction in the evaluation of (valuable and worthless) books.

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Das Populäre der Anderen

Vulgarität im Ausgang der Vormoderne

Series:  Poesis, Volume: 10


All Time Past 365 days Past 30 Days
Abstract Views 31 31 2
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