Zu bunt! Literaturhistorische Beobachtungen zum Vorwurf der Buntheit um 1700 und 1800

In: Das Populäre der Anderen
Viktoria Ehrmann
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The article examines the pejorative uses of the term ‚bunt‘, initially on the basis of relevant dictionary finds from the decades around 1800, where the term is used primarily as an accusation to signal the arbitrariness of the content, a lack of order and to discredit the seriousness of the author. Focusing the debate between Friedrich Schiller and Gottfried August Bürger, the article also sheds light on the extent to which colourfulness can be an undesirable popularisation strategy aimed at reaching the widest possible audience with the diversity of a work. Finally, the text also examines the striking observation that colourfulness in connection with a popular form of literature – the so-called ‚Buntschriftstellerei‘ – was viewed much more positively in the early modern period before 1800 and that the diversity and heterogeneity of these works was even emphasised as an advantage.

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Das Populäre der Anderen

Vulgarität im Ausgang der Vormoderne

Series:  Poesis, Volume: 10


All Time Past 365 days Past 30 Days
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