Article 52: Resolution Relating To The Declaration On The Prohibition Of Military, Political Or Economic Coercion In The Conclusion Of Treaties

In: Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
M.E. Villiger
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In its Preamble to the Resolution, the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties refers to its adoption of the Declaration on the prohibition of military, political or economic coercion in the conclusion of treaties as part of the Final Act of the Conference. The link is established with the Declaration and also with Article 52. Its purpose is to ensure dissemination of the Declaration. The Conference requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to bring the Declaration to the attention of all Member States, other States participating in the Conference and the principle organs of the United Nations. The Resolution was introduced to ensure a higher profile for the Declaration, which in turn, was tabled as a "supplement" to Article 52. It was intended to accelerate acceptance in the international community of an extended notion of "force" in Article 52, which would include economic and political pressure.

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