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Poverty remains one of the most serious social issues, especially when it afflicts a significant portion of the population over an extended period of time. It has serious consequences both for people living in poverty and for the community where those individuals live. Hence, every society seeks to reduce the number of people that live in poverty through its social policy and the established system of social security. This chapter aims to show the poverty rate in the Republic of North Macedonia, its structure and amplitudes over time, the reasons that cause it, and the measures taken to reduce it. To achieve this objective, secondary analysis of data was carried out, in particular analysis of data obtained from the government agencies that coordinate poverty reduction programs and social policy institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia. The research results indicate that the poverty rate in the Republic of North Macedonia over a long period of time has increased compared to most countries in the region. Although poverty has been reduced over the last few years, it remains at a high level compared to other countries.