Chapter 9 “We are not heiresses”: Generational Memory, Heritage and Inheritance in Contemporary Italian Feminism1

In: Protests and Generations: Legacies and Emergences in the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean
Andrea Hajek
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This chapter explores the legacy of second-wave feminism in Italy by studying the complex relation between second-wave and third-wave feminist generations in contemporary Italy. Drawing on the concepts of travelling memory and the remediation of memory, in particular Astrid Erll’s five dimensions of movement, i.e. carriers, media, contents, practices and forms, I study the relationship between different generations of feminists and the role feminist memories, which I analyze using the dual terms of heritage and inheritance, play in the process of identity formation among younger generations. In doing so I explore three contemporary groups that more or less explicitly define themselves as feminist: the feminist collective Femministe Nove, who openly contested second-wave feminists during a land-mark conference in 2013; the cultural association Femminile Plurale, which took a critical stance towards the action of the Femministe Nove; and the political collective Fuxia Block, which gives evidence of yet another relationship with second-wave feminism.

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