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In his seminal study “Islamwissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft” from 2010 Reinhard Schulze has probed into the question why in German universities “Islam was excluded from the original canon of the Study of Religion” and assigned its own academic discipline. Schulze maintains that as a result of this exclusion Islam lost its relevance for the development of a theory of religion in the Study of Religion. As Buddhism is also assigned its own discipline as “Buddhist Studies,” this paper aims to include Buddhism in the debate. Specifically, it discusses the role Islam and Buddhism play in regard to theory building in the works of Cornelis Petrus Tiele. To this aim, the paper also considers later developments and critically examines the theoretical distinction between History of Religions (“Religionsgeschichte”) and Theory of Religion (“Systematische Religionswissenschaft”) in German Religionswissenschaft.
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