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In 1938, Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, set down the salient points of a programme of Islamic reform and renewal in his Risalat al-Taʿalim (“Instructions”). Addressing a wide range of theological, legal, and practical issues, the Instructions defined what al-Banna called a “modern Islamic method (minhāj ʿaṣrī islāmī)”, one that was faithful to the true Islam of the prophet Muhammad and his companions, and at the same time adapted to modern demands and realities. By following this method, the Muslim Brothers would save the Muslim community, the Egyptian nation, the Orient, and ultimately humanity at large. Originally directed at the avant-garde of Muslim Brother “fighters” (mujāhidūn) only, the Risalat al-Taʿalim soon became a core reference text for wider circles of Muslim Brothers. Decades later, it was still commented upon in substantial monographs, which seemed to imitate the genre of šarḥ, inscribing Hasan al-Banna in the Islamic learned tradition.
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