Kapitel 13 Von der „Bauernsprache“ zur „Ursprache“: Die Entstehung der türkischen Nationalsprache

In: Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam
Hüseyin Ağuiçenoğlu
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The Turkish language reform is a rare example of language planning that has left deep traces not only in the language itself, but also in society. The language reform represents one of few topics in Turkey that has divided the population, particularly the educated middle class, for decades and even today continues to give rise to heated discussions. Even if the share of those who demand a return to the Arabic alphabet is relatively small, points of contention such as neologisms, spelling, and the addition of additional letters to the official alphabet still set the agenda. With the introduction of the Ottoman Turkish language in the school curriculum, the increasing public use of Arabic script and the systematic revival of the Ottoman vocabulary, the debate has taken on a new quality under the Islamic-conservative AKP government. This article will present the main stages of the Turkish language reform process against the background of the interaction of cultural and linguistic history.

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