Kapitel 17 Erzählweisen und gesellschaftlicher Wandel: Bemerkungen zu al-Qunfuḏ von Zakaria Tamer

In: Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam
Peter Dové
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Al-Qunfuḏ (The Hedgehog), published in 2005, is the latest book-publication by the Syrian writer Zakaria Tamer. Al-Qunfuḏ is in many regards different from his other, older work which consists mainly of satirical-grotesque stories that are often very critical of modern Arab society. Al-Qunfuḏ, on the contrary, is a realistic narrative, and relates the coming-of-age of a young Syrian boy in an intimate manner. By comparing Al-Qunfuḏ to Tamers earlier satirical texts, this paper aims to show how contemporary Arabic literature expresses a new conception of society – a conception quite similar to the one expressed in the protests of the Arab Spring – not only by means of the narrated events, but also by the use of specific narrative techniques, in particular characterization.

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