Chapter 26 Struggling with Schulze

In: Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam
Michael Kemper
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This essay addresses the hypothesis of an autochthonous Islamic enlightenment in the 18th century that Reinhard Schulze brought up in the 1990s. Kemper, back then Schulze’s student, discusses the motivations behind the thesis and its appeal, how Schulze implemented his vision in the classroom, and the responses Schulze obtained from the scholarly community. In the latter part Kemper introduces a similar quest for Muslim enlightenment that unfolded in the late Soviet Union, when the works of nineteenth-century Tatar Islamic scholars about ijtihād and taqlīd were taken as the basis for the construction of an autochthonous Tatar enlightenment, and of a self-emancipation from Islam that paved the Tatars’ way to Socialism.

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