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The Wetzstein manuscript collection at Tübingen University Library is the smallest and the most recent of the four Wetzstein collections in Germany. The purchase dates to 1864, i.e. after Wetzstein’s return to Germany. The collection covers a period of time of just less than 700 years and comprises 173 items. A first cursory inventory of the manuscripts was supplied by Wetzstein in 1863. A catalogue complying with academic standards was provided in the early twentieth century by Christian Seybold and Max Weisweiler. One of the most prominent manuscripts of the collection is Tübingen Ma VI 32, the romance (Ritterroman) of ʿUmar al-Nuʿmān and his sons. Soon after the acquisition, scholars in Germany and from abroad began to show interest in works included in this collection, an interest that resulted in a variety of scholarly works.