Chapter 5 The Origins and Development of Assemblies of God School of Theology in Taiwan

In: Asia Pacific Pentecostalism
Michael Chase
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Assemblies of God School of Theology (agst) is one of the oldest Pentecostal training institutes in Taiwan and has produced many of the pastors and leaders that now serve in Assemblies of God congregations, as well as other areas of ministry. While the history of Pentecostalism in Taiwan and the influence of Taiwanese Pentecostal spirituality have been explored previously, to date there has been little documented research about this historic ministerial training college. Using primary and secondary sources, as well as surveys, oral interviews and insider knowledge, this chapter first explores the initial attempts at establishing a Pentecostal training institution. It then argues that through the support of missionary organisations, as well as the commitment of Taiwanese Pentecostal educationalists, agst was established with extensive facilities to train up key church leaders and foster a close relationships with its constituency. It has also benefited greatly from international connections. Having well-trained faculty and faithful staff, agst remains one of the most significant Pentecostal ministerial colleges in Taiwan.

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