Chapter 2 Sustaining Faculty Vitality at Mid-Career

Individual and Institutional Strategies

In: Mid-Career Faculty
Anne M. DeFelippo
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Jay R. Dee
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While mid-career faculty tend to achieve high levels of productivity and accomplishment, they may also struggle to maintain their vitality. As an affective state that drives effort and engagement, vitality may be essential for both individual and institutional effectiveness. This chapter provides vignettes to illustrate how mid-career faculty can revitalize their work through interdisciplinary collaboration, community engagement, and integrated scholarship. Based on case study research, the chapter also shows how institutional leaders can enhance vitality by providing resources for faculty learning communities, offering funds for innovative faculty-led projects, and creating venues for communication among faculty and between faculty and administrators.

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Mid-Career Faculty

Trends, Barriers, and Possibilities

Conclusion Protecting and Promoting Higher Education’s Greatest Resource


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