Manichaean Eschatology: Gnostic-Christian Thinking about the Last Things

In: Mani and Augustine
Johannes van Oort
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The past decades saw the first publication of Manichaean texts such as the Greek Mani Codex and new editions of pivotal eschatological texts such as the Coptic Sermon on the Great War and Mani’s Šābuhragān. In combination with previously discovered Manichaean texts and polemics from the Church Fathers, these sources enable us to construct a sketch of Manichaean eschatology. The present chapter aims at presenting some new insights, while stressing the particular fact that Manichaean eschatology—both according to Western and Eastern sources—assigns the central position in the eschatological events to Jesus.

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Mani and Augustine

Collected Essays on Mani, Manichaeism and Augustine

Series:  Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, Volume: 97


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