Chapter 11 Becoming Real

An Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of One Cree/Métis Doctoral Student

In: The Doctoral Journey
Trudy Cardinal
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This chapter explores my continuous pathway to becoming real. My generative lived experiences are opened up through honouring the autobiographical narrative inquiry process. Further, my experiences of coming to know, as expressed through the creative interplay between learnings acquired from story bundles, Elder knowledge, and thinking with photographs evoke the inspiring tapestry of embodied knowledge that makes life go on. Throughout this chapter, my words reveal the growing pains of learning to trust my own knowing and that becoming real can paradoxically result in feelings of exhaustion and despair. The life-giving energy that flows from my doctoral journey reminds one of the fluxic tensions of life and the necessity of inner knowing to nurture the balance and renewal that is needed to proceed. My being as a Cree/Métis woman, scholar, mother, Kokom, aunty, sister, and friend teach that “find[ing] the love within you” inspires the courage to go on.

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The Doctoral Journey

International Educationalist Perspectives



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