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This chapter explores the relationship between science and design & technology in the secondary school curriculum within the context of STEM. It argues that historically since the Enlightenment there has been a strong relationship between science and technology and that this might be reflected in schools in the relationship between science and design & technology. The chapter explores possible pedagogy that might be used in design & technology suggesting that such an approach would endorse the purpose of design & technology through the utility of science to the benefit of both subjects. The chapter also explains the relationship between the different subjects in STEM as individual subjects or as interdisciplinary subjects arguing that it is possible to consider the subjects that comprise STEM as individual subjects in which they operate more or less independently of one another, as if the STEM acronym had a full stop between each of the letters – S.T.E.M. It considers the subjects as in collaboration in which there is a dynamic and synergic relationship between two or more of the contributing subjects. It is this second position which this chapter supports suggesting that this can be done without compromising the integrity of the contribution subjects.