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Although the main idea behind STEM education is the integrative teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, many STEM programmes merely focus on the S (science) in STEM, whereas the T (technology), E (engineering) and M (mathematics) aspects are often marginal or missing entirely.
This chapter addresses a study on the development and evaluation of STEM-oriented programmes on the subject of sound, waves and communication systems (SWCS) with a focus on the S, T and E aspects. The study was aimed at exploring students’ achievements and motivation in learning the SWCS course and identifies factors that might assist or hinder the learning of the integrated programme.
The SWCS course was presented to 120 students (Grades 7–9) in six groups as an after-school programme. Each group attended 15 weekly meetings of 2 hours each (total 30 hours). Pre- and post-achievement exams, a motivation questionnaire, class observations and interviews with students and teachers comprised the data collection tools.
The findings suggest that integrating science, technology and engineering could help students comprehend physical and technological aspects of SWCS concepts by acquiring conceptual knowledge and systems thinking. The subjects’ integration might foster students’ engagement and increase their motivation to learn. The instructional model, which combines theoretical presentation, hands-on experiments and use of information and computer technologies, plays a crucial role in achieving effective learning.
The chapter starts with a brief review of motivation and cognition concepts, alongside theories dealing with the promotion of learning skills in the science, technology and engineering class. A short description of the SWCS curriculum and research are included. Then, the programme’s preliminary outcomes are discussed and main conclusions presented.