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This chapter examines the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Post-truth Explorers: Information Literacy vs. Fake News,”1 created for a Spanish speaking population as a lifelong learning strategy for developing Media and Information Literacy skills among the general public in the eve of the most recent elections in Mexico and in a context of global democratic crisis. The text explores how this course was conceived, designed, produced and implemented by the e-learning team of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM).
Regarding the thematic proposal of the course, creators confirmed its pertinence not only for the target audience (general public), who valued its contributions to awareness of different topics covered, but also for specific audiences such as students, educators and media professionals. Concerning its design, based on interactive storytelling, it was found that a ludic didactic approach was welcome by most participants and contributed to higher completion rates, but produced some undesired effects, such as disorientation, especially when flowing between academic and fictional resources.