Chapter 11 Cameroon’s Kribi Deep Seaport Construction Project

Between State Ownership and Tendencies of Extraversion

In: Destination Africa
Fabien Nkot
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Gérard Amougou
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The Kribi Deep Seaport Construction Project is carried out among three contending forces—namely, the government’s desire to own the project, the constant threat of extraversion, and the weak coherence of local institutional bodies. In fact, the slow advent of this project indicates how development policies have unfolded in Cameroon over time. Similarly, making it operational has revealed the dominance of Chinese business operators who are at the centre of a plethora of partnerships elicited by the port. The government’s desire to appropriate the development agenda shows its ability to cunningly navigate in its dealings with various foreign partners; however, its avowed developmental ambition is thwarted by internal bottlenecks, which in the long run affect the agency of national and local actors.

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