Chapter 8 Linkages between Academic Culture and Management in Polish Higher Education

In: Sustaining the Future of Higher Education
Aleksandra Lis
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Radosław Rybkowski
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The academic culture shapes every aspect of higher education institutions. Usually it remains unnoticed to members of the institutions. But informal rules and inherited customs play an important role in the everyday operation of higher education institutions. The Polish system of higher education is facing yet another wave of reforms and during such times of change and uncertainty the importance of academic culture is even greater. The aim of the chapter is to explore the influence of academic culture on Deans. Because the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as some other key players refer to US universities as the role model for Polish institutions, we start with an overview of US academic culture and its place in decision-making process in the university. Then, we present the results of our research on Deans’ perception of their role as university authorities. The semi-structured interviews conducted in the years 2014–17 were analysed using qualitative coding and provided insight into the actual role of culture in Deans’ decision-making. The results of the research were further supported by the outcomes of Polish 2019 ‘Excellence Initiative-Research University’. Applications submitted by twenty universities and reviewed by a panel of international experts emphasised the impact academic culture has on university performance: the universities can only improve the organisational structure and enjoy stronger leadership if it is accompanied by change in academic culture. The study analyses the difference between Deans’ perception of their role when they were assuming their post and their later understanding of their administrative duties, heavily regulated by the state and institutions themselves.

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Introduction Sustainability of Higher Education in Uncertain Times
Chapter 1 Sustaining the European Higher Education Area
Chapter 2 Striving for Research Excellence by Understanding Institutional Rationalities
Chapter 3 When Excellence Meets Relevance
Chapter 4 Student Driven Innovations
Chapter 5 Experiences of Academic Leadership in Ireland 2008–2014
Chapter 6 Using Innovative Observation to Improve Teaching and Learning
Chapter 7 Using Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) for Building Youth Consciousness on Democracy in Everyday Life (DIEL) in India
Chapter 8 Linkages between Academic Culture and Management in Polish Higher Education
Chapter 9 Exploring the Impact of Student Mobility and Extracurricular Engagement on Academic Performance and Graduate Outcomes
Chapter 10 Can the New COVID-19 Normal Help to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4?
Chapter 11 The Roles of Higher Education Managers in Germany
Chapter 12 The Incomplete PDCA Cycle in the Research, Development and Innovation Activities at a Finnish UAS
Chapter 13 Organisational Change in Student Affairs


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