Chapter 20 Mania of Contemporary Capitalism: A Polish Perspective

In: Collective Structures of Imagination in Jungian Interpretation
Michał Wróblewski
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For Polish Jungians like Zenon Waldemar Dudek and Tomasz Olchanowski, it is important to understand psychical life in the context of the present culture. Their culture psychology is often critical of modern civilization. Older traditions are replaced by a new economical and technological order, which is supported by neoliberal technology. This new environment favors inflationary patterns, which drive people to negative inflation and many psychical disorders connected with it, for example, manic-depression disorders. Dudek and Olchanowski use arrangements made by theorists of post-modern culture like Zygmunt Bauman, Wojciech Burszta, Steiner Kvale, and Wolfgang Welsch, who also pay attention to the dangers that arise from consumerism and technologies, especially new digital media. Both Polish authors are also critical of academic psychology, giving the impression of being handmaids of neoliberal ideology.

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