Chapter 9 Don’t Throw Stones: Deuteronomy and the Prodigal Son

In: Nourishing Mission
Graham Kings
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This chapter grew out of an annual silent retreat at All Hallows Convent, Ditchingham, Norfolk, in July 1996. I tried to read the whole book of Deuteronomy imaginatively through the eyes of Christ, and surprisingly discovered a possible seed of the parable of the Prodigal Son in Deuteronomy 21.15–21. I consider the context in Deuteronomy of protection against a capricious father who had two sons; the dreadful stoning of the recalcitrant son at the town gate; an honourable father and son relationship in Hebrew scholarship; Luke 15 and the prodigal son; Paul’s use of Deuteronomy 21 in Galatians 3 and Jesus stopping the stoning of the woman caught in adultery in John 8.

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