Chapter 4 Challenging Policy Barriers to Doctoral Supervision

Qualifying as a Supervisor and Recruiting Students in Chinese Research Universities

In: Doctoral Education as If People Matter
Bing Lu
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Through an interpretative analysis of four national policy documents in the context of doctoral education reform over the last three decades, this chapter sets out to problematise the system of supervisor qualification and student admission in Chinese doctoral education. A further analysis of two leading Chinese research universities’ major policies on doctoral education demonstrates how the individual institutions, based on their local knowledge, translate and implement national policies. The adopted interpretive policy analysis as an approach highlights the agency of both policy makers and policy audiences, showing how multiple interpretations of policy documents are made from national to institutional level. Arguably, Chinese doctoral supervisors’ eligibility and authority receive far less attention seen from the reviewed documents. Centralising an interpretive approach, this chapter calls for actors at all levels involved in Chinese doctoral education actively interpreting the policies to facilitate a supportive and autonomous research environment.

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