Chapter 7 The Professional Development of Doctoral Supervisors through an International Lens

In: Doctoral Education as If People Matter
Isabel Huet
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Diogo Casanova
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Fabiane Garcia
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This chapter aims to explore the different nuances that exist in the professional development of doctoral supervisors worldwide by reflecting on the data collected through a literature review. The discussion is also informed by the personal experiences of the authors as international doctoral supervisors and upon experiences drawn from delivering training for doctoral supervisors in the UK and Portugal. The authors introduce the concept and relevance of professional development in higher education, present the methodology of the study and explore what has been written in the literature about the professional development of doctoral supervisors. Lastly, the authors discuss the case of Brazil in more detail and present the next steps of this research.

This conceptual chapter, which emerges from the literature review and autobiographical writing, sheds light on the future of professional development by reinforcing a conversational enquiry approach where learning occurs in the workplace and in communities of practice and where learning emerges as instrumental, dialogic, and self-reflective.

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