Chapter 11 Dimensions of Wellbeing in the Doctoral Research Environment

Implications for Quality

In: Doctoral Education as If People Matter
Martin Gough
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As higher education institutions adopt their own versions of the Wellbeing Agenda, the accompanying discourse inevitably pervades the doctoral research environment. Please join me into an exploration of the concept of Wellbeing relevant to this context. I cannot in this abstract give away very much of the argument towards my recommendations, for fear of undermining the exploration, which is now our joint endeavour. Suffice to say that that there is a paradox at the heart of this concept, in that pursuit of the Wellbeing Agenda in the higher education sector and beyond is, under a certain categorisation of wellbeing, tending to undermine actual wellbeing in the richest, and more desirable, sense. And the effect of this is most acute in the doctoral research environment.

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