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Both the Teiorum dirae and the ‘new dirae’ published by Hermann in 1981 imply an initiative of the polis to overcome a serious crisis and ensure stability in the community. All the legal, religious, and ritual devices were set in motion to support the civic order of Teos by conjuring the threat of chaos and solemnly express the ideal of social and political peace. Rather than an extension of the Tean jurisdiction and institutional rules to Abdera, this case can be considered a noteworthy example of flexibility of the polis discourse. There are no reasons to assume that Teos and Abdera exceeded the limits of the polis, nor that the two cities intended to re-enact the original umbilical cord relationship between mother city and colony. All we can ascertain is a sort of commonality of public behaviour, within an atmosphere of a union sacrée. In the framework of particular historical circumstances an emotional community was constructed and Teos and Abdera agreed on some norms of institutional behaviour as a result of the development of a communal volition.