Psychological Type and Images of God

In: Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 33
Leslie J. Francis
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Ursula McKenna
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Gillian L. Hall
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Douglas S. Hall
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This study was designed to test the construct validity of the Index of Positive Images of God as assessing the theological conceptualisation of a salvific God of Mercy construed in relational terms by examining the location of the construct within the framework of psychological type theory. Extrapolation from psychological type theory hypothesised a significant association with the judging process but independence from the orientations, the attitudes, and the perceiving process. Data provided by 602 participants drawn from an online community concerned with Celtic Christianity confirmed a significant correlation with the feeling function of the judging process (r = .23, p < .001) and an additional smaller significant correlation with the intuitive function of the perceiving process (r = .08, p < .05). The data provide general support for the construct validity of the Index of Positive Images of God.

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