Chapter 15 Abutments and Arches

Complicating the Bridges between and beyond Trans Studies in K-16 Education—A Response to “Transgressing Educational Divides: Building Bridges between K-12 and Postsecondary Trans Studies”

In: Bridging the Rainbow Gap
Benjamin C. Kennedy
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In this chapter, the author responds to and expands upon Gutzwa and Owis’s chapter on building bridges between K-12 and postsecondary trans studies. The author praises their engagement with positionality while interrogating the burden that minoritized authors bear to wrestle with positionality politics in the first place. The chapter asks how offering educators the opportunity for deep self-reflection might shift the hidden curriculum in schools. The author argues that trans studies could become more radical and transformative by including early childhood students and settings. Young children, their families, and their educators are not insulated from societal, institutional, or educational transphobia and must be supported and considered as equally as K-16 students and teachers. Finally, the author answers Gutzwa and Owis’s call to “imagine the future of trans studies in education” by offering potential ways that trans studies can navigate educational divides.

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