Chapter 8 The Virtue of Pride

In: Pride – Sin or Virtue?
Ricardo Parellada
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S.P. Brykczynski
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The approach of the second part of the book is more philosophical or analytical, although historical research and conceptual research will always overlap to some extent. First, I present the inflection introduced by some modern philosophers by relating pride with the feeling of dignity. This relation is included in French, although as an old meaning. I examine the movement from the mediaeval to modern vision, contrasting the different conceptions of the passions of the soul, magnanimity and humility. I use the contrast between the two forms of understanding passions, exemplified in Thomas Aquinas and Descartes, to carry out a conceptual analysis about the psychological pattern in which the emotion of pride and the proud or overweening character can be placed. This conceptual research will demonstrate the relevance of the linguistic approach with which I began, but also suggest new details. The indications on pride of the modern philosophers Descartes, Spinoza and Hume clearly introduce some initial conceptual variations about related elements, through which its emotional nature is accompanied and enriched by elements of cognition and appetite.

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