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Water flows, brackish, and the exact place where the sea stops and the river starts is barely perceivable. The Common Galaxias schooling and spawning near the boardwalk at the river mouth appear not to care much at all. The confluence is what matters—salt and fresh water moving, mixing, mysteriously mediating between fish and birds and people. Estuarine ecologies in tension. At certain times of day, in certain light and company, this ecotone stirs something more—something ineffable. It’s the interaction of different bodies that makes it so. In this Chapter, I turn to art as a way of unpacking what philosopher Luce Irigaray describes as the ‘forever in-finite ground of our difference’. I examine the artistic method of assemblage as a strategy for holding, representing and perceiving different materials (and material realities) in tension. Through critical analysis of two of my own video-based artworks, Sealess (2018) and Untitled (Holy Mysteries) (2020), and in relation to Irigaray’s notion of the ‘sensible transcendental’, I arrive at representations of the sacred that necessarily convey the confluence (rather than conflation) of difference.