Chapter 3 Mathematics Education Journey

Scary, but Enjoyable

In: Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places
Sara Haghighi Siahgorabi
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You are not aware of what is ahead of you on a doctoral journey. Let me share my story with you. A doctoral journey is a journey of gradual exploration, discovery, challenges, and personal growth in a significant period. This journey might be dominated by fear, uncertainty, doubt, stress, pleasure, success, and a sense of achievement at different stages. Some good, some not. A doctoral journey is full of ups and downs, success, and failure. The journey would not be worth experiencing if it lacked these ups and downs. Success does not happen right away.

When I began my doctoral journey, I had little idea of the ups and downs that I would encounter. I was unaware of the challenges that lay ahead: the importance of expectations, type of support, regular meetings with supervisors, and meeting milestone deadlines during candidature. Everyone’s experience is unique and different. Thus, it is not easy to work out what the ups and downs are that lay ahead. I am pleased to share the story of my doctoral journey and research experience in this chapter.

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Different Perspectives, Different Cultures, Different Places

The Experiences of International and Domestic Students Studying in an Australian University

Series:  The Doctoral Journey in Education, Volume: 2