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In my doctoral study, I aimed to identify specific teacher attributes—personal attitudes, teaching practice, teacher-student interaction—that are perceived to promote students’ motivation and achievements in learning English in high schools in China. A mixed method inquiry approach was adopted to explore motivating teacher attributes. In this chapter, I share with you what motivated me to start my doctoral journey, how I struggled to conquer the challenges encountered, and what I learned along the way. I highlight a few misjudged steps concerning my research, that may provide insight for other doctoral students. I describe my experience of conducting doctoral research in Australia and starting a new life in a new cultural context with my husband and daughter. To close, I illustrate how my doctoral study provides reflections from educators and stakeholders and what recommendations I would like to share with others. Now, I am working as a lecturer in Zhejiang Ocean University. Everything I have learned and conquered on my doctoral journey transformed into a hidden power that spurs my career development.