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This chapter shares a systematic review of 88 peer-reviewed journal articles about online teacher education (OTE). The systematic review indicated a balance between qualitative (n = 27), quantitative (n = 25), and mixed methods (n = 20) studies about OTE. The most popular data sources included surveys/questionnaires (n = 40), interviews (n = 22), and discussion board posts/blog posts (n = 14). However, only 11 studies included outcome data from teacher candidates enrolled in OTE courses and programs). Additionally, only 4 studies included data related to teacher candidates’ use of knowledge and skills in classroom settings, and no study examined teacher candidates’ influence on the learning outcomes of school-aged learners. The chapter closes by discussing potential future directions related to future research related to online teacher education programs, and implications for those who design and implement online teacher education programs.
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Garin, E., Burns, R. W., & Polly, D. (2018). The intersection of the AACTE clinical practice report and the NAPDS nine essentials. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice, 13(3), 5–7.
Guskey, T. R. (1999). Evaluating professional development. Corwin.
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Martin, F., Kumar, S., Ritzhaupt, A., & Polly, D. (2023). Bichronous online learning: Award-winning online instructor practices of blending asynchronous and synchronous online modalities, The Internet and Higher Education, 56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2022.100879
Martin, F., Polly, D., & Ritzhaupt, A. (2020). Bichronous online learning: Blending asynchronous and synchronous online learning. Educause Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2020/9/bichronous-online-learning-blending-asynchronous-and-synchronous-online-learning
Mollenkopf, D.; Vu, P., Crow, S.; & Black, C. (2017). Does online learning deliver? A comparison of student-teacher outcomes from candidates in face-to-face and online program pathways. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 20(1), 1–11.
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National Center for Education Statistics. (2022b). Postbaccalaureate Enrollment. Condition of Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/chb
Polly, D. (2013). The influence of an online elementary mathematics pedagogy course on teacher candidates’ performance. Journal of Distance Education, 27(2).
Polly, D. (2014). Developing an online mathematics methods course for preservice teachers: Impact, implications, and challenges. In T. V. Yuzer & G. Eby (Eds.), Emerging priorities and trends in distance education: Communication, pedagogy, and technology (pp. 308–317). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-5162-3.ch021
Polly, D. (2017). Providing school-based learning in elementary school mathematics: The case of a professional development school partnership. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development, 21(5), 668–686. https://doi.org/10.1080/13664530.2017.1308427
Polly, D. (2021). Advancing equity-based mathematics teaching in the primary grades: The case of two clinical practice experiences. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development, 4(1), 68–88.
Polly, D. & Colonnese, M. W. (accepted). Examining the link between school-university partnerships and student learning outcomes. In J. Dresden, J. Ferrara, J. Neapolitan, & D. Yendol-Hoppey (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of school-university partnerships. Cambridge University Press.
Van Wyk, M. M. (2018). Economics student teachers’ views on the usefulness of a flipped classroom pedagogical approach for an open distance E-learning environment. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 35(4), 255–265.
What Works Clearinghouse. (2022). What Works Clearinghouse procedures and standards handbook, version 5.0. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE). https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Handbooks
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