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This chapter examines literature that assesses the effectiveness of digital learning in decreasing equity gaps and its impact on specific student populations. Specifically, the literature review focuses on college students identifying as Black, Latino, Indigenous, and first-generation students, along with those hailing from low-income backgrounds. The chapter uses a broad definition of digital learning: the use of technology to enable pedagogical practices and strategies in the teaching and learning process for student success. Digital learning includes a broad range of curricular models, content, and communication tools, design strategies, instruction that personalizes instruction for students, and student support services for students across all learning modalities, including face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments. This literature review looks at studies from 2010 to 2023 and does not include emergency remote instruction during the lockdown and shelter stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the variables of that situation—such as illness, trauma, and lack of digital learning tools and broadband access—do not exist in the data collected during normal campus operations. Notably, this chapter presents the range of student impacts focused on specifically designed curriculum and pedagogy for online and blended classes and the use of educational technology across all modalities.
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