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Russian legal history is a complicated one, especially when it goes to IP regulation. At the edge of a new state creation on the base of Russian Empire Governmental bodies faced the need to create a stable legal system that might equally successfully meet the demand for support for adequate regulation and comply with the new socio-political order. As the pre-existed regulation could not fulfill the second aspect of new state’s inquiries, the Soviets had to deal with IP legislation along with other blank spaces in other spheres including legal field, as well as economic and political. Foreign countries added some pressure on the birth of the new state while recognition of an inheritance, rough changes in political course, and further path of a new state were not so clear. By the end of a vague period as USSR became one of the cultural centers of a new world in arts, technologies, and science, the recognition and protection of Intellectual property became one of valuable questions in legal development, especially on a national level. At the same time, a significant issue is the relationship of the Soviet state with foreign partners and the mechanisms of legal regulation of such relations.
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