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War in general and also the Macedonian warfare under Philip II and Alexander III is accompanied by multifaceted acts of violence against the soldiers and civilians as well as against land and cultural property of the defeated. Often, the Macedonian intruders, especially under Alexander, used acts of violence as a method of “shock and awe” in order to demoralize and intimidate the opponent, aiming at crushing their resistance also by means of psychological warfare. However, in the ancient sources, dependent on the perspective represented by the respective author, these acts of violence are often glossed over, not regarded as appalling, or treated as unjustified cruelties in particular when their own kin was affected. This chapter explores the phenomenon of violence against the opponents, assaults, slaughter, rape, robbery, and other physical violation. It also treats the damaging of opponent’s cultural property by soldiers. In addition, it explores the difference in the view of our sources, between the assaults against Greeks and Macedonians against non-Greek and non-Macedonian persons.
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