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Cleghorn, A. (2019). Africa is not alone: Indigenous languages in contemporary Canada. Keynote presentation at the the Southern African Association for Language Teaching. Pretoria, South Africa.
Cleghorn, A. (2021). Marjorie’s journey: On a mission of her own: A WW-2 biographical memoir. Scotland Street Press.
Cleghorn, A., Merritt, M., & Abagi, O. (1989). Language policy and science instruction in Kenyan primary schools. Comparative Education Review, 33(1) 21-33.
Cleghorn, A., & Prochner, L. (2010). Shades of globalization in three early childhood settings: Views from India, South Africa and Canada. Sense Publications.
Evans, R., & Cleghorn, A. (2010). “Look at the balloon blow up!”: Student teacher-talk in linguistically diverse South African foundation phase classrooms. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 28(2), 123-133.
Faviell, F. (1959). A Chelsea concerto. Dean Street Press.
Jolly, E. (2014). My ancestor was a woman at war. London: Pen & Sword.
LeVine, R.A., Dixon, S., LeVine, S., Richman, A., Leiderman, P.H., et al (1994). Child care and culture: Lessons from Africa. Cambridge University Press.
Lewis, J. (1992). Women in Britain since 1945: Women, family, work and the state in the post-war years. Oxford: Blackwell.
McCrone, D. (2017). The new sociology of Scotland. Sage.
Peacock, A. & Cleghorn, A. (Eds.) (2004). Missing the meaning: The development and use of print and non-print text materials in diverse school settings. Palgrave-Macmillan.
Summers, J. (2011). When the children came home: Stories of wartime evacuees. Simon & Schuster.
Wilson, E. (1980). Only half-way to paradise: Women in post-war Britain 1945–1968. London: Tavistock Publications.
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