Adolescent Career Development and Adjustment

In: Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence
Vladimir B. Skorikov University of Hawaii at Hilo USA

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This chapter examines the relationships between career development and adjustment within the context of normative developmental tasks and transitions experienced during adolescence. An overview of empirical research is provided and a theoretical model of the dynamic, reciprocal relationships between adolescent well-being, distress, occupational exploration, and occupational commitment is offered. The available evidence suggests that affective health appears to be directly related to progress in occupational choice and commitment, and indirectly related to career exploration. Adolescent delinquency does not seem to have consistent associations with career exploration and commitment, but appears to be affected by the nature of adolescents’ attitudes toward their career prospects. Perception of work as a means of self-actualisation can prevent delinquency and promote adherence to social norms and values.

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