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Pursuit of physical beauty has long been confined to the feminine domain. The discourse on the male body is a recent phenomenon, often highlighted by emergent scholarship on modern metrosexual men. Men’s pursuit of physical beauty and the cosmetic industry’s targeting of men for beauty products is a rarely studied area. There is now a burgeoning business of male beauty parlors and saloons/salons catering to physical beauty services for men in urban India. This chapter aims to provide insights into the phenomenon of men’s beauty aesthetics by exploring their beauty enhancing practices. Interviews of beauticians and clients of male beauty parlors in Mumbai city, India, are used to focus attention on the identities men construct within the space of the parlor. Men embed their beauty desires and aspirations in a gradual social transformation that is occurring in India, characterized by globalized capitalism and consumerism. As physical beauty acquires more symbolic value for men, what we witness is men’s increasing efforts towards enhancing the body beautiful. The analysis of men’s beauty seeking behaviour introduces us to a new realm wherein men are actively pursuing body aesthetics to transform their bodies as per culturally desirable images. The narratives by parlor clients raise questions about traditional notions of masculinity and femininity, and points to the fluidity of gender power relations and changes in gendered self-images in urban India. Contrary to popular discussions of men actively working to distance themselves from their bodies as a site for beautification, our study explores men’s embodied beautification practices - that are critically related to ideas of ‘healthy and successful’ lives. Professional success and conspicuous consumption are intertwined in men embracing beauty aesthetics.