Didaktik in den Altertumswissenschaften. Zur Struktur und Bedeutung einer Archäologiedidaktik

In: Methodik und Didaktik in der Ägyptologie
Stefanie Samida ( Tübingen)

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Archaeology fascinates many people not only as a highly elaborated quest for man’s past but also as part of today’s popular culture. Its attractiveness is indicated by well-attended exhibitions as well as by an ongoing succession of TV documentaries and a booming market of specialized books and magazines. Some characterize this as ‘archaeomania’. Surprisingly, professional archaeologists have not dealt with this phenomenon thus far. Generally there is a lack of consideration of the role and significance of archaeology in our society. Therefore attempts to establish ‘didactics of archaeology’ (Archäologiedidaktik) should be encouraged. Within the field of history, based as it is on literary sources, a comparable subfield of didactics (Geschichtsdidaktik) has long been institutionalized. The present paper discusses some basic aspects of what might be expected from didactics of archaeology, e. g., ethics in archaeology, archaeological monuments as ‘sites of memory’ (lieux de mémoire) and the purpose and limits of archaeological reconstructions.

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Methodik und Didaktik in der Ägyptologie

Herausforderungen eines kulturwissenschaftlichen Paradigmenwechsels in den Altertumswissenschaften

Series:  Ägyptologie und Kulturwissenschaft, Volume: 4


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