„Inzest und Intrigen, Getöse und Krawall“

100 Jahre Adolf Hitler – Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker als kontrafaktisches Geschichtsnarrativ

In: Christoph Schlingensief und die Avantgarde
Heinz-Peter Preusser
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Hitler as a historical figure has an aura – which any deconstruction has to take into account. Schlingensief’s film 100 Jahre Adolf Hitler accordingly seeks to undermine all reconstruction, any attempted naturalism of doom up to the point of the Führer’s suicide, and counters this with merely anarchic – and false – impressions of the historical circumstances. The movie functions as a counterfactual narrative of the last hour in the Führerbunker. Through drastic action, through grotesque bodies, Schlingensief tries to generate immediacy – and yet often becomes mired in dilettantism. Thus, neither Schlingensief’s attempts at avant-gardism nor his device of abusing the Hitler myth succeed in rendering the myth unserviceable, in demythologising it for future use by neo-Nazism.

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